Firma TC Inter - Informatics, spol. s r.o.
získala Certifikát Dôveryhodná Firma
Certifikát udelený za nezistenie negatívnych hodnotení
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Popis firmy
The Group The Inter-Informatics Group offers engineering and design services in the field of aerospace, railway vehicles and machinery. Inter-Informatics is in operation on international markets since 1994 and grew into a group of companies, today working with more than 250 highly qualified employees in various countries as close as possible to current customers. Vision & Mission As partners of our customers, we always aim to provide expertise, innovation and reliability of the very highest level, thereby striving to offer effective solutions for any requirement or problem to the customer’s complete satisfaction. Pursuing these goals, our aim is ongoing improvement in all fields of operation, with an innovative and cost-saving approach; acceleration of internal processes and a long-term human resources policy, focused on highly-professional employees and their career development.
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